Alexandrite gemstone is quite different from other gemstones as it has magical properties. This wonderful gemstone is considered to be amongst the world’s highest-valued gemstones. Loose alexandrite stone is quite rare in occurrence. It is highly prized due to its unique characteristic of changing color in natural light as well as in shade.
Alexandrite gemstone has been treasured by people since it was found in the Ural Mountains of Russia around two hundred years ago. People love to buy antique alexandrite rings as they can flaunt them on important occasions. Color change alexandrite ring is quite popular among today’s generation.
Alexandrite gemstone is actually a variety of chrysoberyl gemstones, the other being Cymophane, widely known as the cat’s eye. As the world is aware of its color-changing properties, it makes this stone good for jewelry making.
There are many people in this world who love to collect antique jewelry for their treasure box because they are not only more than a hundred years old but also come blended with a rich history.
Alexandrite antique ring is one of the most sought-after antique jewelry that people want to have. You can log onto reputed online jewelry stores such as GemsNY where you can find color-change alexandrite rings on display. You can pick your alexandrite antique ring and other jewelry pieces for your loved ones.