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Green Emerald – What is special about it and why


Green Emerald

If I ask you to think of a green-colored gemstone, what comes to your mind? Most of us automatically think of Queen Cleopatra's favorite stones, emeralds. Did you too?

Emerald is one of the four precious gemstones, with sapphire, diamond, and ruby being the other three. It is a member of the Beryl mineral family, where the presence of chromium traces gives the gemstone its famous green color. It has a hardness rating of 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale. With proper care, your emerald jewelry can last long for generations and remain in good condition.

Have you ever wondered what makes emeralds so special? Is it their color? Or is it their rarity? If you have the same questions in mind, you are at the right place. Let's learn a little something about this green gemstone and discover what makes it so special.

The History of Emeralds

Emerald is one of the most alluring and prized gemstones. The oldest emeralds are said to be around 2.97 billion years old. Their history dates back to about 1500 BC when the mining of the first known emerald took place in Egypt. Initially, it was thought to have therapeutic properties and to bring good fortune.

Raw Emerald Green Stone

The Egyptians used to place such a high value on this green stone and would use it to decorate their gods, pharaohs, and mummified bodies. During the Roman era, emeralds were sought-after and were worn as adornments by the aristocracy.

Women Wearing Emerald Stone Ring

Furthermore, green emerald rings began to represent the commitment between spouses and symbolized everlasting love during the Middle Ages. Thanks to their lush hue and clarity, emeralds have become increasingly popular as non-traditional engagement ring gemstones nowadays.

One thing is undeniable; the green emerald stone will always stand out from the other gemstones.

What makes emeralds so special?

The rarity and the enchanting color of emeralds make them so popular and special. Did you know that emeralds are about 20 times rarer than diamonds? Well, not many people know that.

Moreover, emeralds are known for their signature lush green hue. However, the tones can vary from one emerald stone to the other. While the most preferred color of an emerald has a mild bluish tint, you can also find emeralds that are too dark, too pale, or with yellowish tones. Regardless, every green emerald is alluring.

Did you also know that emerald is one of the go-to gemstone choices for most royals? The most renowned example is that of Queen Cleopatra. She was obsessed with the green hue of emerald and would adorn herself with this gemstone. Moreover, she even took ownership of all emerald mines in Egypt to enjoy these quality stones all to herself!

Queen Elizabeth's Vladimir

The members of the British Royal family also have spectacular gemstone jewelry featuring emeralds, For instance, Princess Diana's Art Deco choker, Queen Elizabeth's Vladimir Tiara, and so on.

Such popularity and appreciation of this green gemstone by the royals also make emeralds so special.

Wrapping Up

The beauty and rarity of the green emerald stone have been capturing the hearts of many throughout the years. No wonder why these gems are so precious. If you don't have any emerald jewelry in your collection, consider this a sign to get one now!


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