The scent of love fills the air every time lovers confess sentiments of their hearts to their significant other. What could be a better way to lay one’s heart bare than professing feelings of lovesickness with a priceless possession that would represent the eternal union of two souls? Are you willing to bloom in the season of passion, proposing your love with red roses and a ring embellished with hues of friendship and compassion?
Welcome to the majestic world of natural pink color gemstones that have always acquired a special place in the hearts of lovers. In this article, we have introduced one of the most popular pink-colored gemstones, the marvelous morganite. Let’s find out what makes Morganite gemstone a prominent candidate for engagement ring sparklers.
Recent Discovery & Rich Legacy
Morganite is a relatively recent discovery in the world of veteran gemstones such as emeralds, sapphires, rubies, etc. which have been ruling on Earth for centuries now. The morganite gemstone was first discovered in 1910 but became popular in the last few decades. But something that makes morganite stand proud and high in the crowd of gemstones is the fact that the stone is a variety of beryl mineral which produces other significant gemstones such as green emerald, blue aquamarine, yellow heliodor, colorless goshenite, etc.
Blushing Pink Hue
Morganite is mined in a primary pink color with secondary hues such as orange, coral, salmon, and peach. Peachy pink is the most commonly found color which is favored for its striking pastel tones that go well with all skin tones and with attire of almost any color. Its sophistically blended hues give a statement look for high-profile events and at the same time can radiate a subtle glow with its pastel temperament to even complement a typical office dress. So, in all, your morganite ring will never look too flashy or too dull at any time of the day.
Durability Feature
With a hardness score between 7.5 and 8 on the 10-point Mohs hardness scale, morganites are softer than other candidates for engagement ring centerstones, such as diamonds, sapphires, rubies, etc. This means that your morganite engagement ring can be best protected from scratching or chipping by securing the edges of the stone with strong prongs or may be in a bezel or halo setting.
Inherent Features
Morganite is extensively popular among modern brides-to-be because it is not just a feminist pink-hued gemstone but a magical storehouse of glittering sparkle. Yes!!! When it comes to morganites, you can expect the stone to be a showstopper like a diamond. Also, purchasing a morganite will be a low-cost affair in comparison to precious gemstones. For an ideal morganite ring purchase, look for a stone with vivid color saturation and high clarity.
Spiritual Symbolism in Love Life
The soft pink color of morganite is symbolic of love, romance, and sweet innocence. Wearing a morganite gemstone can stimulate your heart chakra and inculcate feelings of compassion and devotion towards divinity. If you wish to attract that person who is meant for you in this life then adorning a morganite could be of great help to match your stars with your soulmate.

With modern fashion sense, changing personal preferences, and wide-spread availability of different types of gemstones at affordable prices, it has become a piece of cake to curate your dream engagement ring in any color. If you are looking for a trending color gemstone as an alternative to a classic colorless diamond then morganite is surely one of the most celebrated engagement ring centerstones among brides-to-be.
Also Read: Trending Morganite Jewelry For The Summer